wilsongarden – https://www.wilsongardenpots.com/

Weed and loosen the soil in real time when the seedling height is about 3cm, and keep the soil loose during the development period. The seedling stage of Anemarrhena asphodeloides is dominated by topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. 1500kg of human and animal manure water or 6kg of urea are topdressing per mu, and then watered once. The culture soil for planting Photinia rubra requires good porosity, air permeability, good drainage and certain water fixation capacity. It is mostly prepared with the mixture of fine sand, peat, expanded perlite and sawdust.

The dosage of chemical fertilizer is: the nitrogen fertilizer used as base fertilizer generally accounts for about half of the annual application, which is equivalent to the application of 0.25 kg ~ 1.0 kg urea or 0.7 kg ~ 5.0 kg ammonium bicarbonate. It is supplemented by quick acting fertilizer and applied in ditches. Before fruit thinning, apply fertilizer for strengthening fruit and promoting summer shoot, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. Apply autumn shoot promoting fertilizer after fruit picking to help restore tree vigor, promote flower bud differentiation, and pay attention to the compensation of phosphorus and zinc.

The basin should always be kept wet, because its root absorption, leaf photosynthesis and the whole growth process require a lot of water. Of course, the demand also changes with the change of season and climate. It has a variety of edible and medicinal functions and has broad development prospects. The 25 gallon pots with a diameter of 15cm has better maintenance effect, does not waste space, and is also conducive to the development of plant roots for indoor potting.

The principle of applying enough base fertilizer and less topdressing should be mastered in greenhouse vegetable production. Generally, the proportion of base fertilizer should account for about 70% of the total amount of fertilizer. Due to the slow decomposition of phosphorus fertilizer, the proportion of phosphorus fertilizer in base fertilizer can be appropriately increased. During the process, cut 3-5cm obliquely downward from the grafting position, and then cut off the bark vertically. Then select a plump bud from the scion, and then shorten it from the lower end of the bud.

Family potted plants are mainly small in size, with a natural and fresh feeling. Select those fragrant wood seedlings with curved trunk and deformed trunk and old posture. Spray once every 5-6 days for 2-3 times. Both lack of nutrients and excess nutrients in the 20 gallon nursery pots may cause yellow leaf phenomenon. When nutrients are lacking, the leaves often show fat yellow leaves, while when nutrients are too much, the leaves often show fat yellow phenomenon.

After pruning, in order to keep the plant growing well, we need to provide it with an appropriate amount of nutrient supply, promote its rapid growth through topdressing, and ensure that the tree blooms on schedule. Because the lack of water in the basin soil will inhibit plant growth and accelerate the aging and discoloration of branches and leaves, but the new branches and leaves can not germinate. The key to keep the pot moist is to ensure the normal growth of plants.

The purple sand basin with good permeability is the most suitable home for fragrant wood potting or bonsai. At the same time, it should be noted that if it is a new basin, it must be soaked for at least 24 hours before replacement. At the young stage, the disease occurred, and the melon seedlings became deformed, blackened, contracted and rotted, forming signs of early abscission. Implement rotation with non melon crops for more than three years, and do not plant watermelon with continuous cropping and next crop.

The sowing can be collected when the fruit is mature in autumn, and the fertile and loose loam or pastoral soil can be used as the seedbed. The plants can be divided as soon as they are collected and sown. They can be collected and dug in the field from March to may for separate cultivation. Select a section of branches for more than two years, cut it into a section of 10-15cm, insert it into loose soil or fine sand, put it into the soil for 5-7cm, and sprout in 20-30 days.

Before the temperature decreases in winter, take heating measures to cover the soil. In winter, the main purpose of controlling the diseases and insect pests of Photinia rubra is to reduce the invasion of diseases and insect pests and reduce the source of infection. Attention must be paid to maintaining the temperature in winter to prevent the soil from freezing, so as to protect the root system. The isolation effect of Photinia rubra is relatively good. Planting Photinia rubra in places requiring isolation will produce good isolation effect.

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